The Grace Period option is used to define how much time you want to give the shopper after their subscription expires to renew before their access should be terminated or restricted.
With an automatic renewal subscription, the grace period is really only used if the payment for the renewal fails for some reason. Payment for automatic renewal subscriptions usually fails because the credit card has expired, however you can have an email sent to shoppers whose credit cards have expired to prompt them to update their payment information.
Tip: We have found that using a 5 day bill auto renew prior to billing time frame with a 7 day grace period provides the best renewal rate.
Note: Access to, or the availability of, a subscription is not controlled by Global Commerce. You must have a third-party system that controls or limits access to your products and have that system integrated with Global Commerce. If a subscription has a grace period, Global Commerce will notify your third-party system when a grace period begins or ends so that access can be controlled accordingly.
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