Approving or Declining Partners

Depending on how you have a partner plan set up, you may need to manually approve partners before they can access the partner plan and make a purchase.

Partners that have registered but not yet been approved (or declined) for a partner plan have the status "pending" which means they cannot access a partner plan (or make a purchase).

Once you approve a partner they can access the partner plan you have given them access to and make a purchase. If you do not approve a partner (by either declining them or just never approving them) they will not be able to access the partner plan or make a purchase.

Opening the Approve Pending Partners Screen

  1. On the Catalog menu, select Pricing & Plans, and click Approve Partners. The Approve Pending Partners page appears.
    • If you have pending partners to approve a decline, a message appears at the top of the page indicating how many partners are awaiting your decision.
    • You can see details about the partners you have yet to decline or approve in the list, such as what partner plan you have associated with them and what company they belong to.
    • Partners with the status of pending or declined appear on this page. Partners with a status of active, inactive, or declined appear on the Manage Partners page.

Selecting Partners to Approve (or Decline)

  1. In the list, select the partner(s) you want to approve or decline.
    • You can approve and decline one or more partners at the same time but you have to do approvals and declines separately.
  2. Click Approve or Decline.
    • If you are declining partners, a message appears prompting you to confirm that you want to decline these partners from the partner plan.


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